Für alle Urlauber, die es alljährlich zu Metal, Mosh & Meditation in das beschauliche Tal der Soča führt, ist diese Nachricht sicher ein kleiner Schock. Die MetalDays, so wie sie bekannt und beliebt sind, werden durch den geplanten Bau einer Straße, mitten durch das Festivalgelände bedroht.
Der Verastalter ist im Gespräch mit dem Minister für Stadtentwicklung und dem Bürgermeister Tolmins um eine mögliche Lösung zu finden. Sollten die Alternativkonzepte nicht aufgehen oder möglich sein, befinden sich bereits zwei mögliche Ausweichlocations in der Pipeline.
Hier die detailierte Ankündigung im Wortlaut:
“Many of you already heard about this, and unfortunately, it is true. 2020 may be the last MetalDays year in Tolmin. The reason for this are the upcoming roadworks that are scheduled for 2021. MetalDays venue will be cut in a half by the bypass road, and we believe that MetalDays as you know it won’t be possible there anymore. This project has been brought to our attention 6 years ago already, and after years of paperwork and preparation, they are ready to start with works in 2021. At the moment we don’t see the possibility for us to stage the festival during the construction works. Even after the works are done we do not see the possibility to stage the festival in Tolmin. According to the law, there is protected zone left and right, 35m wide each side, where we are not allowed to camp, park or put any temporary objects, like a stage, toilets or similar. We made a sketch for your better understanding of this.
The only way to make it possible is to close the street for the traffic during the MetalDays, so we can use it as parking for our visitors. Are they ready to close the street? We can’t say.
…but there is still this bitter taste of having the massive bypass road right in the middle of most beautiful festival location in Europe.
Economic development minister of Slovenia visited MetalDays this year, and we had a long and good conversation. Mayor of Tolmin was present at the meeting as well. Next day we were visited by representatives of Slovenian Infrastructure Agency. All the talks were good and we all agreed about the meeting in late August or early September. They all expressed their concern about MetalDays leaving Tolmin and said that they will do their best in order to make us stay in Tolmin. We will inform you about the progress regularly.
As this is not new for us, we are on search for new location for a long time. There are two possible locations that we like, and we are already deep into discussion with the authorities. This is all we can say at the moment.
So, let celebrate MetalDays 2020 as the last one in Tolmin. Let us party like never before.